Thursday, 30 March 2017

Aries energy ~ Intermittent symptoms

No matter if it`s your sleep function or your mood, these late energies are precisely working as a discontinuous process. Within ourselves there´s a blinking spot that goes up and down, off and on depending on how high is our absorbing ability for light at this time.
Astrologically several celestial events promote this situation but in my opinion this is what Aries does through it`s warrior Mars. The New Moon a few days ago made this situation more abrupt.
Mars, the God of War and the lover of Venus, is fierce and also candid, but is always passionate. The substance relative to Aries is iron; Iron contracts with cold and dilates with hot, meaning... that is how iron behaves depending on the conditions, surroundings, feelings... both expansive and contraction aspects of Aries energy are dealt on a mental level, as Aries rules the brain. The stress due to its expansions and contractions are often felt through migraines, depression and heart conditions.
It`s perfectly normal if your oscillate between great energy and tiredness, need to sleep and no sleep at all, talking a lot and silence, pain and feeling totally relaxed and... very important maybe excessive good mood and feeling angry and irritated.
Make sure you ground everyday so energy flows easily in and out; Center on yourself so you maintain balance and connect with joy so your frequency stabilizes.
The best way is surely connect with nature, so move outside when you feel going down. Drink good water, eat fruit and raw veggies and chose more fish than meat. Don`t forget the music and find time everyday to do something that gives you pleasure.
At home you can use air freshener with lavender or chamomile essential oils. You can also use a drop on your body: a bit on the wrists and on the base of your neck (between thyroid and thymus).
Have fun with these amazing high energies, use your creativity, be courageous and adventurous. Most of all be yourself and love lots!

Sunday, 26 March 2017

We are enough

More often than we imagine, the root of most our problems, come from the fact we find ourselves not being enough! we are never enough, no matter what we do, what we learn, what we help, work, love, etc.
What did your mother say to you? or didn`t say? or your father? your teacher? your neighbor ? your boyfriend or girlfriend?
It`s part of a child nature to worship parents, that is the way they deal with life before they are fully ready to live it themselves by being independent. When small disappointments invade a child routine, they can be deadly, emotionally deadly! They kill creativity, love, plans, dreams, happiness... they create negativity by feeding from all the positive innocent heart.
Usually the feeling of "i am not enough" is not from heavy events; it can, but it doesn`t need to. Usually are daily routine moments, small words or even smaller silences that shape our mind and heart and decide how our future will be.
The feeling of "not being enough" along with the feeling of "fear" is the destroyer of human potential.
However things do not need to stay like that... we can truly change our mindset towards traumas. We can understand that as well as we find hard to live, love, create... so did they - the ones that motivated us towards failure! and many times they weren`t missing love, they were just taught to mislead their own love energy.
As we understand, accept, forgive... we can look at ourselves from a new perspective and change the patterns. How do we do that? we find the opposite energy within the trauma`s polarity. Everything has an opposite energy and it is up to us to look for the positiveness of ourselves potentials, instead of let our lives ruled by hidden killer cells.
We can all do it. Start by telling yourself I AM ENOUGH. Do it several times a day! Be aware of the power you have within yourself. Post it on facebook or your other social platforms. Set an alarm on your phone with those words so you remind yourself of who you truly are. Write it everywhere, make a sweet altar on a table or furniture with positive stuff and cards with I AM ENOUGH words.
Change your vocabulary by paying attention to the negative words you use, which will set your mind to failure.
The truth is you think you cannot create your life, but what you are not aware is that you are creating your life every second, you always did it and you always will. It is not only a spiritual thing... or just a mind thing... it works that way to all your parts: from the emotional, to the physical and the mind! You are the Alpha of your life as a conscious being and your words are commands, your thoughts as well. You are a complex machine and the best you understand that you are made of several bodies that are supposed to work for your greatest good, the better you respect yourself and use the power you have.
As you understand that YOU ARE ENOUGH you cannot fail or disappoint because nothing of that exists!!! There is only positiveness, creation, flowing life energies and all blocks disappear... Love your self that way.

Monday, 20 March 2017

As Leis do Universo & os nossos altos e baixos

Pensamos muitos vezes como podemos, ainda, ter momentos, dias em que sentimos enorme energia/felicidade em oposição a outros momentos de total fraqueza, falta de alinhamento, infelicidade, muito introspetivos e perdidos.
Não importa em que ponto estamos na nossa ascensão, o que conseguimos até agora, o que mudámos, crescemos,aprendemos...
Uma das Leis do Universo explica isto: é a Lei da Periodicidade. Funciona assim: tal como todos os ciclos da vida, também a nossa aprendizagem e evolução pessoal passa por fases. A calma, a introspeção é seguida de fases de grande energia criatividade. O mesmo acontece na natureza quando a primavera substitui o inverno... Imensas quantidades de energia são criadas desta forma. Estas fases distintas são começadas na mente. O corpo mental influencias todos os corpos de forma a abrandarem o seu ritmo, ir dentro, olhar as sombras e obervar o ambiente.
Depois de grandes sons vem o silêncio, depois de muito movimento vem o descanço, depois de intensos pensamentos e criatividade vem a calma.
Eu vejo uma correlação desta Lei com a Lei do Padrão, que explica a facilidade com que nos identificamos com padrões que nos foram ensinados mas que ao mesmo tempo nós podemos modificar. A Lei do Padrão prevê a necessidade de transformação, mudança, adaptação de modelos aos diferentes "eu" à medida que nos modificamos na vida pela experiência. Na minha opinião usamos a necessidade de descanço, silência e introspeção para re-avaliar e ajustar os velhos padrões que não mais queremos seguir, o que nos catapulta para uma nova fase de grande atividade para ativar essa mudança e manifestá-la na realidade.
Considero, também, que esta Lei está ligada à Lei da Criação, o que explica que os começos nascem no espírito e posteriormente trazidos para o corpo mental e finalmente manifestados na realidade.
Finalmente a Lei da Paciência influencia esta Lei já que é a Lei que permite que os nossos corpos mental, espiritual e mental trabalhar como equipa e dar-nos "tempo" através do qual entendemos e aprendemos a trabalhar tudo em nós.
E... o objetivo tem tudo a ver com a Lei da Perfeição! Em última instãncia tudo é perfeito e isso é o que persseguimos constantemente enquanto vivendo numa realidade tri-dimensional. É uma viagem de expansão e isso acontece em ciclos, fases e implica imensa prática. Sabemos que a perfeição não existe neste mundo, esta é exatamente a razão pela qual apontamos à perfeição! Porque, bem dentro de nós, no nosso âmago sabemos que cabe a todos nós tornar este mundo melhor, mais livre, imensamente amoroso... assim nos vamos lembrando, lentamente, de como são as coisas desde o começo da nossa infinita existência e desejamos trazer isso aqui altruísticamente.
Autor: Maria José Antunes. Se desejares ter sessões de cura, ajuda e orientação espiritual ou tornares-te meu Estudante contacta-me para:
Todos os direitos reservados.

March Equinox ~ A new cycle begins

A new season starts, a new astrological year begins. I find three words to describe this SPRING equinox: REBIRTH, POWER, EVOLUTION. However i must tell you that stability will not be achieve at this season due to the huge amount of energies being transformed, transmuted on earth. Probably the work we have been done for the last years is been shown in such a way that stability has no place yet. So if you feel you are being asked a lot from the universe, remember: you did that! you were able to bring those challenges to yourself. The same will be happening to the ones that live on the southern hemisphere, although this will be express on a subconscious level which might be felt strange and demanding but is part of a inner growth and expansion.
To the northern hemisphere we enter spring and the southern hemisphere is going to experience a new autumn. Either way, this is a new phase that will reflect the work we have done during the last year.
For the southern hemisphere beings, this is all about starting a journey within and use the Aries energy and fire warrior soul to unfold the inner layers so the essence that is ready to come to the surface can be properly looked at and transformed into new seeds. Going inside needs a lot of courage! You need the right energy to do that. What is what you want is what you must ask yourself during this phase. What fears con you deal with so you can prepare yourself to perceive your soul`s journey. Going within is finding what the new you is. New you`s are constantly being born due to your ascension process, your growth and healing. So meet the you at this moment to prepare the reality which will reflect your self.
The northern hemisphere beings are ready now to see the flowers of what they have planted during the last two seasons. The spring brings out what you have worked silently and lovingly. Nothing better but Aries energy to begin the manifestation of your dreams. the fierce, energetic Aries! THE BEGINNER.
What is that you want? You had time to figured that out! you had spent your energy finding ideas and seeding plans. Your goals are ready to be seen. Your future is at hand. But... you still have a lot of work ahead, plants must be care of and some must be planted somewhere else so they can grow. looking for parasite herbs and taking them out of your garden is indispensable so you do not waste energy on things that might kill your crops. The hardest season is spring! but must be seen as a pleasant work, not something you wish you wouldn`t do.
Now you are thinking... what does this has to do with spirituality? right! well.... spirituality is nothing but being the best version of you! The moment you separate spirituality from your daily life, you get it all wrong.
Celestial portals are working directly with earth`s energy and what you came here to do is nothing but being able to connect your biological vessel to your higher self, using a conscious "body" to do so.
Higher frequencies will be at our disposal more and more as we do our non-stop inner work. The receptivity to those higher frequencies depends on the acknowledgment of what is inside and around us. The eternal alchemy of earth`s power, the etheric magic of constant rising energies, our personal field... this is the TRIAD for ascension and happiness.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Full Moon in Virgo ~March 12, 2017

This Full Moon in Virgo comes just in time! As we are approaching the Equinox and finding a way out of ourselves to manifest in reality what we have seeded during the winter. What is you want? what have you been wishing, planning? After the latest Eclipses energies, this is just the right phase for your dreams.
And if we consider the venus retrograde, which will be with us for a few more days... Venus retrograde is amazing to make us look inside. Imagine you are walking on the country and calmly enjoying the scenery and suddenly the vision in front of your eyes is that beautiful that you step once or twice to make sure you absorb all the magic given to you at that moment. That`s exactly what Venus retrograde is been doing to us, making us step back and look to our heart, our needs so we make sure what is we want to perceive.
And today we look at our hearth again, profoundly but with a specific agenda.WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP? WHAT DETAILS MUST I LOOK UPON? WHAT DOES MY PHYSICAL VESSEL NEEDS TO IMPROVE SO I CAN BE BETTER PREPARED TO THIS JOURNEY IM STARTING? These are the questions Virgo Moon is asking you.
Adding the Pisces energy, you may feel confused, but a Virgo Full Moon with Pisces energies has that purpose: to make you look at polarities and deal with them. There is no calmness on a Full Moon, anyway! So... look at your chaotic inner heart. ARE YOU ABLE TO STEP OUT OF THE DREAMS OF PISCES AND ALLY THE EMOTIONAL PISCES WITH THE MATERIAL ASPECT OF VIRGO? AND... CAN YOU FINALLY SEE THAT SERVING OTHERS IS FIRST OF ALL BEING COURAGEOUS ENOUGH TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS ALSO?
Understand that the resistance to the God-self prevents you to fully serve your life purpose. And the essence of Virgo talks about that Divine aspect of the Sacred Feminine. VIRGO IS HERE TO REMIND YOU THAT YOU ARE HERE ON A JOURNEY WHICH IS A DIVINE ONE AND IT STARTS WITH YOU CREATING, GROUNDING YOUR ENERGY ON THE WORLD.
There is another aspect i find amazing on this Full Moon: What ever you start now, it is pure, virgin! be aware of this. That is the ultimate essence of Virgo. So... step into your dreams from a divine place that lies within your heart. You are a creator and no one knows better than you what high frequency are you capable of creating inside to continue your own journey.


Friday, 10 March 2017

Our soul contract & this earthly life time

There is a lot of confusion about whether we come again to Earth in a physical human body after this life time. Many believe this is the last time we come to Planet Earth, and it is so for some, but... that is what always happened... some will not come again and some will, some decide it among a group they belong to and for others it is only a personal choice. And high above the rules you may have agreed upon can be changed under new agreements.
First of all this important phase of Earth ascension isn`t new, in fact, it started long ago. We are just starting to see it closer and stronger because we are a growing group and that gives us the idea of being, suddenly, at a crucial moment in history. We are but this crucial moment is old! and since this started we kept coming and going, coming and going to Earth.
Second the rules and hierarchies of heavens are not as we see. We always see it considering our mental human patterns. The way we worship, the words we use as "Lord", "God", Goddess, etc. are still profoundly imprinted with molecules of paternalism and reverence. Things have an order, of course, but the universe isn`t our world. And a big example is the multiple religions, the multiple different studies, the multiple cultures. If on this small planet we observe this huge variety of opinions, imagine how can different, the truth might be...
Understand that no one is going to face you with a contract paper, they will show you the possibilities, the choices and the consequences always considering what is you aspire for yourself and what service you want to give to your galactic family. Believe me... You do not want to disappoint your owns, you want to be proud of yourself, whether you continue working on earth or you chose a different action.
Generalizing this subject is not the best way. In fact generalizing is never the best way to deal with opinions, because there are always exceptions to rules as things aren*t linear; things are always intricate and vast. Even predictions can be changed. As curiosity... humans are known on the galactic community to be unpredictable and this is very strange to understand as we consider ourselves very predictable considering our human history. What i want to say is: although many things are predicable, the time factor (as an example) and how long things take to develop and how the characters in this big game play their role on our planet... that's amazingly unpredictable.
There is always the question: am i part of that magic number of beings said to be the chosen ones? the earth angels? am i? are you? well, on our ascension process we have to go through all levels of ascension, which we call the fourth dimension; those levels take us to worlds of illusion and dream. We feel great, full of energies. We know we know more than before and each learning has to go through the filters of experience. At those phases we think we talk to our guides, when in fact, we talk to parts of ourselves that are growing and experiencing ascension themselves on those levels of fourth dimension. Therefore we might think we are Napoleon, we might enhance conversations with God or ascended masters, we might think we travel on a space ship, or that we are one of the chosen ones, etc. At fourth dimension nothing is true and yet everything is so true, because everything happens at the astral realm where all is possible. At that teenage times of ascension we tend to leave life as we know it, we merge on the spiritual world and we think our words are true for everyone. But they aren`t. and some beings never leave this illusion, they grab it and think this is the one truth for them and others, forever...
We all think we are special, and we are. But we surely aren`t more special than any other and that is one of the phases of ascension we need to work with as a necessary step to get closer to unconditional love and service to others.
The lack of really good Masters that can guide us through the ascension process, can be so serious that we can go mad, lunatic for life and severed damaged on our mental and emotional bodies. though my 32 years on this spiritual path i have seen all and still face myself daily with all kind of situations. However one can help only at the level others allow us to go.
AS FAR AS OUR LIFE ON EARTH IS CONCERNED, I SAY WHAT I ALWAYS DO: NOTHING IS UNDER CONTROL, BUT YOU CAN CONTROL EVERYTHING ALWAYS. it is up to you and to your personal agreement done previous to this birth time; and also that can be changed. And do not think you have no big part on this just because you do not think your spiritual role is big. There are many facets to this spiritual journey and one thing i can tell you for sure: the ones that have a committed role on the third dimensional world are the ones who change things on the world, because those are the ones who have never failed the world, those are the ones who never gave up. As much as i honor who is able to live out of the box, i also understand that the majority of them need assistance from the ones who are integrated on the third dimensional world... so, my advise is: KEEP BEING THE BEST HUMAN AT ALL MOMENTS, AT EVERYTHING YOU DO.
If this is my last time on earth, who cares? if it is not, why thinking of it when there is a big world out there to enjoy, live, breath, change, grow, have fun, create, work... yes, work! you have a problem with that? There is nothing related to creation and divine will without work! deal with that... you see a dancer performing a sunning show and you think that has no work behind it? Or a musician? a scientist? a diva? Oh Lord! the work they do! and they love it because they are creators. This is a third dimensional world, therefore there is movement, gravity, weight and so on, that is how it works here, that is what you have chosen to do here.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

The Earth Meditation for Spring Equinox

We are approaching the equinox which will takes us to a different level on earth energies. The universe is to combine with earth to exacerbate life itself on this realm of continuous mutation and cycles
As the need for grounding is more exacerbated than ever and as the energies will be felt stronger as the climax of nature is being prepared when the equinox starts, i feel this meditation of earth embodiment will help us all to ground on _Gaia, to connect with magic, to understand what life is and to prepare ourselves to merge with all that is when the spring celebration comes.
First lets refresh our memory and remind ourselves the importance of grounding and
connecting. Find at the end of this blog how to do it the right way.


Find a cozy, comfortable place and close your eyes. Connect with your breathing and relax. Take your time. Visualize yourself siting on a fresh, greenly grass (even if you do this meditation on a garden do this visualization,if you will). that grass carpet s around your body and extends itself above to the sky until it touches the divine sun with all its powerful grace. Near you there is a plant. let your intuition guide you and dont force any kind of plant, let it flow to you. I want you to merge with the plant and embody a leaf. bring your awareness to that leaf. if it helps imagine a light that goes out of your body enters the plant; that light is a part of you that knows how to do it. i want you to know what is like to be a leaf, a part of a plant. How does it feel? do you think? how is your awareness of life while being there? From that leaf you can go to a flower. look for a flower on that plant and go there. feel how it is like to be a flower. take the time you need to do this exercise.
When this part of the meditation is felt to be enough, thank the plant, the leaf and the flower and go back to your body. After coming back to yourself, visualize you standing up and walking barefoot on the grass, until you reach a little stream of water. Do the same exercise above merging with water. After the water go to the grass and merge with the wind, letting it dry you and take you to its own world of flowing energy. After this one walk to a cabana
made of wood and stones, get inside and you will find a cozy fire place. there you see small sticks of wood, chose one and connect with it; what does it feel like touching fire and not feeling pain? feeling warm energy and peace while being transmuted to the cosmos and not losing one self? Go back to a chair and regain your full energy. Start breathing slowly and regain full awareness of your body calmly.
Take all the time you need at each phase and do not forget to get back your energy after each experience. You can energize yourself at the end by receiving a stream of light from source.Take notes of this exercise and write what you have experienced through merging the self with the several energies.
I hope you enjoy it and see better how bonded and similar our energy is with earth. Much love and light.

Get in touch with yourself. All your parts. Be whole, fully you. Recognize you as a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual being. Feel yourself as the loving, divine, complete and loving being of pure light. Feel the strongest love for yourself; feel trust, self worth, confidence, strength, wisdom and intuition. You know you can accomplish everything you want, you have all the powers within you to be a sovereign, free and whole and enlightened being.
Connecting to heart is vital to have a balanced connection with your supra self and with the divine energies. That connection puts you in a place of security among the realms of the etheric energy. The best way is to spend time in nature, by feeling it… feeling and touching trees and ground. However you can do it by using the KUNDALINI PRACTICE, which gives you a full ground base and a connection with the above light energies. You do it through visualization, closing your eyes and visualizing your kundalini, as a chord coming out of your root chakra and spreading into the earth as trees roots. Keep it that way and concentrate now your other end of the kundalini going up and spinning around all the chakras until it reaches the upper chakra = the crown chakra.
Then connect a beam of light that comes from above and enters your crown chakra and fills down all your chakras, the kundalini and all your body. The color of that beam of light is to be white, yellow, gold or silver and very bright.
Stand straight, or visualize yourself doing it; your feet are on the ground and you see it as a soil fertile and strong. You are straight, your eyes are looking at the horizon (you can imagine the most beautiful horizon in front of you) and everything is perfect and beautiful. You do not bend, swing, fluctuate, oscillate or hesitate. You feel yourself having all your powers, abilities; you know you are aware, conscious of everything within and around you, you are ready to be you fully and completely.
You see yourself now being full of light! Now, imagine you are inside a bubble or a pyramid! What we are doing now is building a boundary so you do not lose your own energy, making you in charge of yourself in all ways including the invisible parts of your being. You are inside the bubble or the pyramind of light! Nothing and no one can take your light from you. be mindful about it. If you want you can ask for the protection of your angels, you can ask the protection of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and his blue ray; as you do this make the pyramid turn into a transparent blue color. The reason I tell you to ask for protection a the end of the exercise is because you now did your part of the work, respecting the universal divine laws: remember, you can do everything! You have that power!
(excerpt of Maria`s book: “BE THE RAINBOW! – NOW YOU CAN FLY!")


Tuesday, 7 March 2017

What is a light worker?

You probably expect detailed explanation, scientific info and exquisite theories. Well... this is no complicated matter and no need to dwell in intricate reasons when the answer is so deliciously simple.
A light worker is a musician that makes you fly around the globe in ecstasy, makes nature exhale the smells of life abruptly, makes energy fields to expand into heavens.
A light worker is a dancer that easily steps the sweetness of the sacred waves on the hardest grounds of a third dimensional world.
Light workers are scientists with a mind of a child as they imagine how simple can life be for everyone, day after day, discovery after discovery, and how lovingly they perceive mankind`s adventure.
A light worker is a baker which rises early in the morning and brotherly uses the alchemy of nature to embrace your senses with a delicious hot bread.
A light worker is your father as he did the best he knew, or your grand mother which has so much to tell you within her silence.
A light worker is a comedian, a teacher, a homeless, a hippie... a light worker is even someone that so well can mirror our expanded unconsciousness of sophisticated anti-true-human beings.
Light workers are all the amazing brothers and sisters that dwell in this planet trying to be happy, doing the best they can. Some can really make their dreams come true and then they become our inspiration.
To know that one has made a stunning painting, developed a delicious recipe, wan a competition, did an amazing concert, went on the holidays of his dreams, had met the most fabulous counterpart of his heart... that is the best inspiration for anyone as they are able to balance the unbalance, sweeten the bitter, give hope and make a valorous contribution for all of us.
A light worker is everyone that do the best to contribute to the collective, whether is from hard work or pleasure.
You know you meet a light worker when you look at someone`s eyes and you feel delight, when a smile makes you feel love, when a word touches your soul, when you have pleasure and recognize something you use, eat, dress, look at, which wasn`t made by you, inspires you.
And when that being isn`t as you wish he/she would be in other subjects... remember, they are just as you: humans aspiring to be better.

Friday, 3 March 2017

A meditação da água divina para Março

O mês de Março é regido pela energia da água. O próximo mês encontra-se sob a energia do signo de Peixe e nada melhor do que a água para equilibrar os eclipses, as altas energias que recebemos o mês passado e ttambém as influências de fogo que nos serão dadas a 20 de Março quando o Sol vai para Carneiro bem como a Lua Nova em Carneiro a 27 de Março.
Os Eclipses estão, ainda, a trabalhar, um deles ficará até depois do equinócio e o último ficará bastante mais tempo. Assim, é ótimo trabalhar suavemente dentro do nosso ser para que possamos usar bem melhor todas estas energias. Estamos acostumados a picos de energia dados por eventos celestiais, durante anos... e sabemos que podemos sempre melhorar durante essas fases. Cada ano que passa é um ano de aprendizagem, conhecimento e consequentemente de sabedoria adquirida.
Como sempre, haveerá dias durante os quais não iremos querer falar, trabalhar, haverá fases em que não saberemos o que fazer connosco ou mesmo perceber o que se passa... Então, o melhor a fazer é compreender the esses momentos fazem parte da vida como momentos de cura interna, descobrimentos, crescimento... e preocuparmo-nos não ajuda em coisa alguma.
É imperativo enternder que quanto mais crescemos em consciência, mais recebemos, de partes de nós próprios, menssagens de necessidade de cura. A ascensão é um processo e não pode acontecer rapidamente, o teu subconsciente sabe-o bem. Assim, é-te pedido trabalho bocadinho a bocadinho à medida que avanças. É assim que isto funciona e esta é a forma segura, nã poderias fazê-lo de outra forma ou colocar-te-ias em perigo.
Istot não significa que o próximo mês venha a ser uma fase difícil, pelo contrário. é um mês forte mas com diferentes energias das que expericiàmos nos últimos dois meses. A COMUNICAÇÃO está na ordem do dia e PERSONALIDADE EXPANSIVA é necessária para lidar com o mês de Março. Como tal, vamos em frente, levantemo-nos, utilizamos o nosso lado extrovertido e mostremo-nos ao mundo!


Se sentes que necessitas de energias calmas, doces e energizantes, usa esta meditação com a visualização da água divina. Funciona da mesma forma que a utilização dos raios divinos e respetivas chamas. A única diferença é que deves visualizar a água sempre em movimento, mesmo que em certos momentos sejam movimentos ondulantes suaves.
Invoca a energia da água divina como farias com qualquer outra chama energética. Visualiza-a entrando no teu chacra da corôa e começarás logo a sentir-te como se estivesses a tomar duche. Imagina que preenche todo o teu corpo, tanto dentro como fora. Todos os teus orgãos, glândulas, ossos, células estão a ser limpos e purificados; toda a negatividade é lavada para fora do teu corpo.
Usa afirmações tais como o que acabei de dizer. Visualiza a energia aquática a mover-se no sentido descendente em pequenas ondas ou movimentos em espiral até que sai pelo teu chacra Estrela da Terra situado abaixo dos teus pés. Agradece à Mãe Terra por receber e transmutar a tua energia. Podes continuar a invocar à Fonte Sagrada a água divina quantas vezes desejares, no entanto, a última passagem de água divina que receberes usa pensamentos e afirmações de energizamento.
Será muito poderoso se invocares um anjo no final e lhe pedires para te banhar com um jarro de água sagrada e curadora. Visualiza isso e sente-te abençoado. É provável que observes pó brilhante nessa água angelical.
Este exercício energético é excelente para limpar negatividade, acalmar, equilibrar as emoções e relaxar a mente. É igualmente ótimo para energizar. Depois de um momento ou dia stressante em que te sentes sem a tua energia vital é o melhor que podes fazer por ti.
Desejo-vos um excelente m~es de Março cheio de inspiração, comunicação, criação ee melhoramentos. Sente-te abnçoado, sê amor e situa-te na alegria.
Autor: Maria José Antunes. Se desejares ter sessões de cura, ajuda e orientação espiritual ou tornares-te meu Estudante contacta-me para:

Todos os direitos reservados.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

The "Laws of the Universe" and our ups & downs

We wonder very often how can we still feel moments, days of great energy/happiness versus other days, moments in which we feel completely out of alignment, weak, unhappy, very introspective and lost. It doesn`t matter how far we go on our life journey, what we accomplish, what we change, grow, learn...
One of the Laws of the Universe explains this. It is the Law of Periodicity. This is how it works: As all cycles of life, so our learning and evolving go through phases. The calm, inner  phase is followed by a great energy and creativity phase. The same happens in nature when after winter we are presented by spring. Big amounts of energy are risen this way. It seams this phases start in the mind. The mental body influences all other bodies to slow down, go inside, watch the shadows and observe the environment.
After big moments of sound comes silence, after great movement comes rest, after big waves of thoughts and creativity comes stillness.
I see this law as related to the law of pattern, which explains the reasonable  way we so much identify ourselves with patterns that were taught to us but that at the same time we can change. The Law of Pattern predicts the need to transform, change, adapt patterns to our different selves as we change through life and experience. In my opinion we use the need for rest, silence and introspection to re-evaluate and adjust old patterns we no longer want to follow and then come to a new phase of great activity to put that change into motion. 
I also link this law with the law of order of creation, which explains that beginnings are born in spirit then brought to the mental body and finally manifest in reality.
Finally the law of patience influences this law as it is the law that allows our mental, spiritual, emotional and mental body to work as a team and gives us "time" through which we understand and learn how to work everything in us.
And... the goal has to do with the law of perfection! Ultimately everything is perfection and that is what we constantly perceive while being in a third dimensional reality. This is a journey of expansion and that happens through cycles, phases and requires a lot of practice. We know that perfection doesnt exist on this material world, that is exactly why we aim to it! Because deep down our heart we know it is up to all of us to make the world better, more free, super loving as we remember things to be right at the beginning of our existence.