Sunday 12 March 2017

Full Moon in Virgo ~March 12, 2017

This Full Moon in Virgo comes just in time! As we are approaching the Equinox and finding a way out of ourselves to manifest in reality what we have seeded during the winter. What is you want? what have you been wishing, planning? After the latest Eclipses energies, this is just the right phase for your dreams.
And if we consider the venus retrograde, which will be with us for a few more days... Venus retrograde is amazing to make us look inside. Imagine you are walking on the country and calmly enjoying the scenery and suddenly the vision in front of your eyes is that beautiful that you step once or twice to make sure you absorb all the magic given to you at that moment. That`s exactly what Venus retrograde is been doing to us, making us step back and look to our heart, our needs so we make sure what is we want to perceive.
And today we look at our hearth again, profoundly but with a specific agenda.WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP? WHAT DETAILS MUST I LOOK UPON? WHAT DOES MY PHYSICAL VESSEL NEEDS TO IMPROVE SO I CAN BE BETTER PREPARED TO THIS JOURNEY IM STARTING? These are the questions Virgo Moon is asking you.
Adding the Pisces energy, you may feel confused, but a Virgo Full Moon with Pisces energies has that purpose: to make you look at polarities and deal with them. There is no calmness on a Full Moon, anyway! So... look at your chaotic inner heart. ARE YOU ABLE TO STEP OUT OF THE DREAMS OF PISCES AND ALLY THE EMOTIONAL PISCES WITH THE MATERIAL ASPECT OF VIRGO? AND... CAN YOU FINALLY SEE THAT SERVING OTHERS IS FIRST OF ALL BEING COURAGEOUS ENOUGH TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS ALSO?
Understand that the resistance to the God-self prevents you to fully serve your life purpose. And the essence of Virgo talks about that Divine aspect of the Sacred Feminine. VIRGO IS HERE TO REMIND YOU THAT YOU ARE HERE ON A JOURNEY WHICH IS A DIVINE ONE AND IT STARTS WITH YOU CREATING, GROUNDING YOUR ENERGY ON THE WORLD.
There is another aspect i find amazing on this Full Moon: What ever you start now, it is pure, virgin! be aware of this. That is the ultimate essence of Virgo. So... step into your dreams from a divine place that lies within your heart. You are a creator and no one knows better than you what high frequency are you capable of creating inside to continue your own journey.


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