How do you define yourself now... What version of yourself have you brought at this time to keep living this life...
December would not be so hard, as we have been doing such an amazing work with all the previous energies. However,for some of us which havent really done the work their soul asks... the challenges might go on and on... depends,always depends on how we do things with the days that the universe offers us. December energies are all about the continuous manifestation of what we did, changed, thought, grew... the 3 to 6 previous months.
The main message to December is: Do not keep blaming others or outside circumstances for the problems on your life. you are the ruler, the chooser, the controller, the magician. As you take decisions an act according to them, the universe sends it back according to the frequency you first acted upon. then... only then you can observe things really starting to feel good!!!
Today Mercury enters in Capricorn. Capricorn talks to us about our physical world and Mercury is all about ideas and pragmatic programming! Nice phase to set your mind onto practical stuff and start creation magical ideas for the world Dont forget we are on a mission and all learnings and growth from the path that took us to this moment is vital to create a better reality.
December 7 Venus enters in Aquarius reminding us that love is free and loving freely is the way to really love. Doing what you feel is right, being truthful to your heart gives you the transparency which is according to your highest self... and everyone`s true self.You might need to do some inner work if you still feel chained and following others rules. Do you love everyone and everything with joy and peace? see what your heart tells you.
The full Moon in Gemini on the 13, might ask from us to look at our polarities: the female and male, the yin and yang, the low and the high, the earth and the cosmos... all our parts have a polarity which we must love, respect and balance. This sign is very mutable as it jumps from one of its characteristics to another very fast! Accept the variety and at the same time understand that so many parts of the self inhabit the same being and that is no easy task. The secret is to love everything within us, even what we want to change. Gemini energy also talks about the respect and acceptance towards others points of view.
Mars goes in Pisces on the 19. Take this strong energy as it combines with the loving Pisces. Make the love within your heart to blast the whole being you are and give you the will, the faith to go on manifesting what you desire to see in the world.
The same day Mercury gets retrograde. Please do not feel bad about this! when a celestial body gets retrograde, its just an invitation to look inside at all the work you have been doing lately, in order to make sure all your soul challenges,premises, all the goals, the changes, the growth and specially all the pain you have felt is really gone away! each time, at this phases,you feel bad or that something is wrong, just look again to the mirror in front of you and really listen to what it is telling you! something is still needing work and usually is all about we accepting, acknowledging that what we blame from the outside, is really something to work within... otherwise, it wouldnt affect you!
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