Monday, 12 December 2016

12.12 Harmonic portal blasts until 12.21

the Enlightenment portal shifting through deep love

All divine portals star working previously to the date they get fully open. The climax of this 12.12 portal is on the twelve and it stays like that (fully operational until the 21.12, time of the winter solstice portal . Its a 9 day non-stop work of energies through this annual gate of harmony. This portal works every year, just like similar portals do. Its the enlightenment sacred gate and is related to the amount of light you can bare on your self at this time, each year it is supposed to give you more light, as you have been on a enlightenment for some time now... So... each years it blasts you with more gama rays and the purpose is to help you gaining awareness of the future by being prepared to make the decisions on the solstice, through which you set up new goals, chose the new seeds.
Connecting from inside to this fabulous energies puts you in a state of readyness for your own dreams! It is you looking anew to your essence and choosing the best version through which it can show it self on the world. The more you achieve that high vibrational state on every daily moment, the more you tune with the divine.
At a collective level it works in a similar way and depending of the energy we were all able to hold in the planet, the next year will turn more possibilities with which we can transform, transmute and manifest higher intentions for humankind.
The planet, TERRA does exactly what we do personally. The earth has its consciousness, is in fact a being. Lives, works differently than we, humans, do... but is the same as us - just an expression of life in a very accurate way, very creative, loving, strong and complete. It allows us to inhabit here, it allows all our mistakes, bares all our slow steps back into what we really are, and patiently nurtures us smiling.
This work seams to be a egoistic individual one, that each of us is doing, but in fact, by working on yourself you are being the most giving being ever! from non-duality came duality as an expression of existence... and from duality, each of us lears everything back to the super ONE, where there is nothing but only YOU! 
This years, this portal`s energies talk to me about connecting the heart chakra to the crown chakra. This has an hidden message of working the love we grew inside so far to the direct connections with our own heaven. You are ready, this is the ultimate message! ready to perceive yourself even more, going beyond the common use of feelings and see and feel past the veil of this illusionairy world. Because this is all an illusion, but we have chosen this experience to grow and, so far it is been working pretty well as a teacher, isnt it?
Have the trust that you can do anything, can accomplish your true self, can make a difference in this young society that will grow thanks to your steps towards truth.


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