Sunday, 11 September 2016

MARIA (LYRA LIGHT) Healing & bonding with ginger!

the healing of the physical body interests us a lot due to the acknowledgement of the completion and connection within all parts of the self which lead us to an pleasant, easier and happier spiritual growth.
Throughout our ascension process the healing and tdtox of our physical self is a non-stop journey and just like layers, we heal, improve and detox as we go...
I have been studying several ways of feeling better although i can say that all the problems i had, even at my adolescence age, are all gone... i even feel younger, i have no pain and can say very gladly that i do not ware glasses for three years now! ascension makes us literally younger!!! but... i listen to my body, not only through the physical signs but also intuitively. so... At the beginning of this year i decided to go for a ginger tea detox. fresh ginger tea three times a day during three months. Several of my spiritual students have already tried this and it really works. Ive been feeling the need for another system and as soon as i have some feedback i will tell you all about it... but for now we keep on the ginger tea thing!
This method is advised for the ones who have all kind of joints and muscle pain and inflammations. Also all kinds of breathing inflammatory problems, colds and allergies... It helps at all kinds of inflammatory situations really!!! And it will re-build your immune system! One thing you must be aware of is that you might feel stronger symptoms for a while, until it goes away! You keep focusing on the result, knowing that the inflammation is being healed at the core, so you talk with your body and tell it that all is well, no need for being upset or sick because a major healing is occurring and all negativity is been washed away! Keep the treatment and be happy if you have bad symptoms and pain for its a sign you are really healing!
A curious fact that everyone feels is that they bond with ginger! Imagine ginger as a soul just as you have! A being! you will feel connected, you both will get bonded with each other, and genuine comfort! That is fantastic and very pleasant.
It might happen you will star forgetting to drink the tea when you do not need it anymore, but i strongly advise you to do this treatment at least for a month! In my case, after two months i started to drink it only once a day, and slowly i stopped it!
Buy fresh ginger, the biggest piece that you find because those ones are more juicy and also because you know for sure that they have grown longer, therefore they have more nutrients. break with your hand a piece and use it until it ends, then you get another piece of the big one you have bought and so on... save the small one on a small container. Grate a bit of that small piece of ginger into a mug (a tea spoon or table spoon depending on the size of the mug); you must feel the spicy flavor of the ginger when you drink the tea. Fill the mug with boiling water and let it rest for about five minutes. After that the tea is ready! you can use tea bags but its not the same. Use that only if you want to have the tea at work! at home please do an effort to use fresh ginger. If you can buy organic ginger is even better, of course! I also ask you to use good water, not pipe one (if its possible naturally).
Do not hesitate to email me if you need any clearance about this subject! please do.

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