Wednesday, 30 August 2017

9.9 Earth Day meditation

Join us on this  Free Global meditation. Earth Day 9.9 - September 9th. A world wide gathering for a remote meditation. Celebrating a new beginning on our mission on planet earth and bringing more light to this planet and all beings. TWO SESSIONS: ONE AT 4pm (16.00 UTC/GMT) AND ANOTHER AT 9pm (21.00 UTC/GMT) SESSIONS TAKE BETWEEN 40 TO 60 MINUTES. YOU CAN CHOSE ONE OR DO BOTH. A VIDEO WITH THE GUIDED MEDITATION WILL BE POSTED THE DAY BEFORE THE MEDITATION.
Check the link for the event here:
September,9 2017 is represented by the divine number 9.9! This day is itself a message to all light workers, to all loving beings stationed on Earth at this time. A calling to our mission!
This day reminds us a new phase is ended on our mission while stationed on Gaia and a new beginning starts. We have been working with huge amounts of light energy and use it to spread love. Each personal growth is being achieved tremendously and now we are being prepared for another light phase.
The ascension is harmonic and always continuing. It is done through levels of consciousness. At each level we can grow more on self awareness and new others awaken! Its a continuous spiral of light that gets stronger and bigger every time! This process of personal and collective growth into light is proportional to the amount of light our planet receives. As Gaia is able to receive and accumulate more light, so do each of us. That is how it influences the collective ascension. MUCH LOVE

Monday, 28 August 2017

Carta da semana ~ Política

28.08 Carta da semana

7 de Nuvens: Política

Qualquer um que seja capaz de fingir com convicção, que consiga ser hipócrita, se tornará seu líder político, se tornará seu sacerdote religiosamente. Tudo que ele precisa é de hipocrisia, tudo o que ele precisa é de dissimulação, tudo que ele precisa é de uma "fachada" para se esconder por trás. Os seus políticos vivem vidas duplas, os seus sacerdotes levam vida dupla – uma pela porta da frente, a outra pela porta dos fundos. E aquela vivida pela porta dos fundos é a vida real deles. Aqueles sorrisos pela porta da frente são pura falsidade, aquelas caras tão inocentes são puramente cultivadas.Se você quiser ver a realidade do político, precisará olhá-lo pela porta dos fundos. Deste ângulo ele aparece na sua nudez, do jeito como ele é; e para o sacerdote a coisa é assim também. Esses dois tipos de pessoas dissimuladas têm dominado a humanidade. Muito cedo eles descobriram que, se você quer dominar a humanidade, deve torná-la fraca, fazê-la sentir-se culpada, não-merecedora.Destrua a sua dignidade, tire-lhe toda a glória, humilhe-a. E encontraram maneiras tão sutis de humilhar, que eles nem aparecem "na foto"; você mesmo fica encarregado de se humilhar, de se destruir. Eles lhe ensinaram uma forma de suicídio lento.
Você reconhece este homem? Com exceção dos mais inocentes e sinceros de nós, todos temos um político de tocaia em algum lugar da nossa mente. De fato, a mente é política. É da sua própria natureza planejar, montar esquemas, e tentar manipular situações e pessoas de maneira a conseguir o que quer. Nesta figura, a mente é representada pela serpente recoberta de nuvens, que "fala com uma língua bífida". O que é importante perceber, porém, a propósito desta figura, é que ambas as caras são falsas. A face cândida, inocente, do tipo "confie em mim", é uma máscara, e a face diabólica, venenosa, do tipo "vou tirar vantagem de você", também não passa de uma máscara. Políticos não têm faces verdadeiras. Seu jogo é na totalidade uma mentira.Dê uma boa examinada em si mesmo para verificar se você tem estado fazendo esse jogo. O que você vai encontrar poderá ser doloroso de ver, mas não tão doloroso quanto continuar agindo igual. No final, esse jogo não serve ao interesse de ninguém, e muito menos ao seu. O que quer que você consiga por esse caminho, irá transformar-se em pó nas suas mãos.
Crédito: Tarot Osho Zen

Card of the week ~ Politics

08.28 Weekly Card

7 of Clouds: Politics

Do you recognize this man? All but the most innocent and sincere of us have a politician lurking somewhere in our minds. In fact, the mind is political. Its very nature is to plan and scheme and try to manipulate situations and people so that it can get what it wants. Here, the mind is represented by the snake, covered with clouds and "speaking with a forked tongue". But the important thing to realize about this card is that both faces are false. The sweet, innocent, "trust me" face is a mask, and the evil, toxic, "I'll have my way with you" face is a mask, too. Politicians don't have real faces. The whole game is a lie.
Take a good look at yourself to see if you have been playing this game. What you see might be painful, but not as painful as continuing to play. It doesn't serve anybody's interest in the end, least of all yours. Whatever you might achieve in this way will just turn to dust in your hands.
Osho's Teachings
Anybody who can be a good pretender, a hypocrite, will become your leader politically, will become your priest religiously. All that he needs is hypocrisy, all that he needs is cunningness, all that he needs is a facade to hide behind. Your politicians live double lives, your priests live double lives--one from the front door, the other from the back door. And the back-door life is their real life. Those front-door smiles are just false, those faces looking so innocent are just cultivated. If you want to see the reality of the politician you will have to see him from his back door. There he is in his nudity, as he is, and so is the priest. These two kinds of cunning people have dominated humanity. And they found out very early on that if you want to dominate humanity, make it weak, make it feel guilty, make it feel unworthy. Destroy its dignity, take all glory away from it, humiliate it. And they have found such subtle ways of humiliation that they don't come in the picture at all; they leave it to you to humiliate yourself, to destroy yourself. They have taught you a kind of slow suicide.
Osho The White Lotus, Chapter 10
Credit: Tarot Osho Zen

Monday, 21 August 2017

Carta da semana ~ Inocência

21.08 Carta da semana

Grandes Arcanos: Inocência

O Zen diz que se você abandonar o conhecimento – e dentro do conhecimento inclui-se tudo: seu nome, sua identidade, tudo... porque tudo isso lhe foi dado pelos outros –, se você abandonar tudo o que lhe foi dado pelos outros, você adquirirá uma qualidade totalmente diferente de ser – a inocência. Isso será uma crucificação da persona, da personalidade, e haverá uma ressurreição da sua inocência; você se tornará outra vez uma criança, renascida.OshoDang Dang Doko Dang
O velho desta figura irradia no mundo uma satisfação de criança. Há uma atmosfera de graça à sua volta, indicando que ele está bem consigo mesmo, e com o que a vida lhe proporcionou. Parece que ele está conversando alegremente com o louva-adeus em seu dedo, como se os dois fossem os maiores amigos. As flores cor-derosa que cascateiam em torno dele representam um tempo de deixar-acontecer, de relaxamento e doçura. Elas são uma resposta à sua presença, um reflexo da sua própria natureza.A inocência que advém de uma profunda experiência de vida é semelhante à de uma criança, sem ser infantil. A inocência das crianças é bela, mas ignorante. Ela será substituída por desconfiança e dúvida à medida que a criança for crescendo e aprendendo que o mundo pode ser um lugar perigoso e ameaçador. A inocência, porém, de uma vida plenamente vivida, tem um quê da sabedoria e da aceitação do milagre da vida em eterna mudança.
Crédito: Tarot Osho Zen

Card of the week ~ Innocence

08.21 Weekly Card

Major arcana: Innocence

The old man in this card radiates a childlike delight in the world. There is a sense of grace surrounding him, as if he is at home with himself and with what life has brought. He seems to be having a playful communication with the praying mantis on his finger, as if the two of them are the greatest friends. The pink flowers cascading around him represent a time of letting go, relaxation and sweetness. They are a response to his presence, a reflection of his own qualities. The innocence that comes from a deep experience of life is childlike, but not childish. The innocence of children is beautiful, but ignorant. It will be replaced by mistrust and doubt as the child grows and learns that the world can be a dangerous and threatening place. But the innocence of a life lived fully has a quality of wisdom and acceptance of the ever-changing wonder of life.
Osho's Teachings
Zen says that if you drop knowledge - and within knowledge everything is included; your name, your identity, everything, because this has been given to you by others - if you drop all that has been given by others, you will have a totally different quality to your being: innocence. This will be a crucifixion of the persona, the personality, and there will be a resurrection of your innocence. You will become a child again, reborn.
Osho Dang Dang Doko Dang Chapter 7

Join our free world wide synchronized meditation. check here the guiding video:

Friday, 18 August 2017

Thrive on trinity for the Eclipse

On a Solar Eclipse we observe the Earth, the Moon and the Sun stationing on total alignment. This equilibrium is a representation of the balance you have to reach so your intentions are true, strong, real and aligned with your highest good.
This alignment is to be done between the physical you (the Earth), the intuitive and imaginative (the Moon) and the will, the action, the creative power (the sun). And at the Solar Eclipse the emphasis lies on the Sun as August is ruled by the Sun; August energies are all about Lion`s power of creative consciousness.
You can already balance yourself by meditating and ponder on your several parts to prepare the path for the Solar eclipse event. Visualize in front of you your different bodies and see them merging within each other and finally merging within you. Talk to each of them in meditation and listen to their message, they always have something to share about growth.
Becoming one! Balancing high energies with your intuition and your physical ground is vital to connect with the Solar Eclipse, which ultimately represents itself the unity of source by aligning three major celestial corps symbolizing the layers of realms we use for manifestation and creation of our newest selves.
By accepting your several selves, listening to their energy, connecting with all your parts you become one; You dissolve layers of doubts, fears and negativity. Uniting to get stronger, to be ONE high, aware and expand in love for the self which will reflect expansion of wisdom and love for all that is.
This trinity of our Solar World provides us a gift of energy, a sublime portal of ascension through which we bring forth the best version we can possibly offer to the world at this moment!
Join us next Monday on a free remote global meditation:

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Preparing for the Eclipse

as we are so close to next Monday, the day of the Solar Eclipse and energies are building up, this is the right moment to ponder on the kind of event we are facing. What is this all about? what can we do to better receive the changes? Yes! because this is all about bringing a new self to this "reality"; more than that - this is to build up a new reality!
We will have the Sun blocked for a while and what does that Sun mean to us? It represents creation itself, our power of creation for we are Gods. The last time this Eclipse happened was in 1998 through which changes occurred and they were big! Perhaps you already noticed things changing in your life and thats because you are shifting into a new reality!
The intentions of this eclipse are to be done for the next months so make sure you look at yourself truthfully, honestly and openly. This is a Lion`s energy Eclipse will demand from you some "risk"; this means you trust the universe and yourself so much you can take steps which some time ago seamed completed impossible. So... what are your plans for the future? More than that - what do you want from yourself? this is not a individual journey and what ever your plans are you know this is important for you are on a mission. What ever you are and do matters for the world!
For the next days think about the future, not only the next year but the next one or two decades! what is you want to become? what is you want to create? what blueprint you want to project in this illusion-airy reality? And also, be aware that in order to bring forth your new energy there are aspects to deal with such as fear, doubt, unworthiness, shame, etc. That is what this Eclipse is all about - if you truly look at things and solve what you know is not aligned with a higher version of you, you can achieve everything you wish! And when the Sun is unveiled a new path will show in front of you. 
Join us next Monday on a free remote global meditation:

Light Language transmission

This was the most complicate transmission i ever received as our physical mouth is not suitable for it. Was also very emotional. Its all about leaving behind once and for all the pain, fear and old patterns and step into a new self so a new paradigm can come forward. It is about showing the love existing on higher spheres and passing on to us so we feel we are not alone, we are loved beyond understanding.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

A Voz Interior

14.08 Carta da semana

Grandes Arcanos: A Voz Interior

Se você encontrou a sua verdade dentro de você, não há mais nada para descobrir em toda esta existência. A verdade está atuando através de você. Quando você abre os olhos, é a verdade abrindo os olhos. Quando fecha os seus olhos, é a verdade que está fechando os olhos. Esta é uma meditação extraordinária. Se você puder simplesmente entender o mecanismo, não precisará fazer nada – o que quer que esteja fazendo, estará sendo feito pela verdade. Se você estiver andando, será a verdade andando; se estiver dormindo, será a verdade dormindo; se estiver falando, será a verdade falando; se estiver em silêncio, será a verdade que estará em silêncio. Esta é uma das técnicas de meditação mais simples. Pouco a pouco, tudo se acomoda segundo esta fórmula simples e, então, não há mais necessidade da técnica.Quando você está curado, joga fora a meditação, joga fora o remédio. Então, você vive como verdade – cheio de vida, radiante, satisfeito, abençoado, uma canção em si mesmo. Toda a sua vida se transforma em uma prece sem palavras ou, melhor dizendo, em um estado de oração, em um estado de graça, de beleza
que não pertence a este mundo, em um raio de luz vindo do além, iluminando a escuridão do nosso mundo.OshoThe Great Zen Master Ta Hui
A Voz Interior não fala por palavras, mas na linguagem inarticulada do coração. É como um oráculo que só fala a verdade. Se tivesse um rosto, seria como o que aparece no centro desta figura – desperto, vigilante, e capaz de aceitar tanto a escuridão quanto à luz, simbolizadas pelas duas mãos que seguram o cristal. O cristal, em si, representa a luminosidade que advém de se haver superado todas as dualidades. A voz interior também pode ser brincalhona, à medida que mergulha profundamente nas emoções e ressurge para lançar-se em direção ao céu, como dois golfinhos dançando nas águas da vida. Ela está ligada ao cosmos por intermédio da coroa em forma de lua crescente, e à Terra, do modo como está representada pelas folhas verdes no quimono desta figura. Há momentos em nossas vidas, em que muitas vozes parecem nos estar chamando de várias direções. A própria confusão que sentimos nessas ocasiões, é um lembrete para que procuremos silêncio e centramento dentro de nós mesmos. Só assim seremos capazes de escutar a nossa verdade.
Crédito: Tarot Osho Zen

Card of the week

08.14 Weekly Card

Major arcana: Inner voice

The Inner Voice speaks not in words but in the wordless language of the heart. It is like an oracle who only speaks the truth. If it had a face, it would be like the face at the center of this card - alert, watchful, and able to accept both the dark and the light, symbolized by the two hands holding the crystal. The crystal itself represents the clarity that comes from transcending all dualities. The Inner Voice can also be playful, as it dives deep into the emotions and emerges again to soar towards the sky, like two dolphins dancing in the waters of life. It is connected with the cosmos, through the crescent-moon crown, and the earth, as represented by the green leaves on the figure's kimono. There are times in our lives when too many voices seem to be pulling us this way and that. Our very confusion in such situations is a reminder to seek silence and centering within. Only then are we able to hear our truth.
Osho's Teachings
If you have found your truth within yourself there is nothing more in this whole existence to find. Truth is functioning through you. When you open your eyes, it is truth opening his eyes. When you close your eyes, it is truth who is closing its eyes.
This is a tremendous meditation. If you can simply understand the device, you don't have to do anything; whatever you are doing is being done by truth. You are walking, it is truth; you are sleeping, it is truth resting; you are speaking, it is truth speaking; you are silent, it is truth that is silent. This is one of the most simple meditation techniques. Slowly, slowly everything settles by this simple formula, and then there is no need for the technique. When you are cured, you throw away the meditation, you throw away the medicine. Then you live as truth - alive, radiant, contented, blissful, a song unto yourself. Your whole life becomes a prayer without any words, or better to say a prayerfulness, a grace, a beauty which does not belong to our mundane world, a ray of light coming from the beyond into the darkness of our world.
Osho The Great Zen Master Ta Hui Chapter 23
Credit: Tarot Osho Zen


Geometria sagrada ~ A polaridade dos símbolos


A dualidade é limitada e diz respeito ao medo - a unidade é ilimitada, infinita e livre


Toda a dualidade que experimentamos é uma ilusão. Fomos programados para dividir em vez de criar, unir e amar. Assim, vemos polaridade em todo o lado inclusivé em nós próprios. É uma escolha, é sempre uma escolha se acreditarmos que somos livres o suficiente para voltar à origem, à fonte ao mesmo tempo que vivemos este jogo, a dualidade desaparece e a unidade surge.

Este universo foi criado como um mundo orgànico e dual. Existiu e existe ainda, uma razão pela qual foi criado desta forma. Isto é um jardim de infância para as almas. E faz tudo parte do jogo! Se conseguirmos afastarmo-nos desta ilusão e olhar como que estando de fora de todo o sofrimento, a verdade torna-se clara. Estamos aqui a evoluire fazemo-lo experienciando a polaridade, quer dizer, vivendo tanto o negativo como o positivo desta vida orgànica.
Para praticar este jogo foram-nos dados alguns instrumentos com os quais viajamos mergulahndo na polaridade e aprendendo à medida que vamos progredindo. O primeiro instrumento é o Livre arbítrio, que se encontra relacionado com a qualidade da dualidade deste universo. Este aspeto foi o que permitiu a polaridade atuar já que é parte integrante do Livre arbítrio neste universo.
O segundo instrumento é o Éter o qual se encontra em tdo o lugar, em todos os seres e em todas as coisas. O Éter está sempre presente, sempre! Esta é a Lei. Em qualquer altura, todas as almas tèm escolha. Possuímos o poder de escolha porque temos Livre Arbítrio, desta forma podemos escolher a Luz porque temos sempre o Éter como um companheiro silencioso nesta viajem conturbada. O Èter é-nos dado para que possamos conetar com o nosso ser superior e com a nossa família espiritual. À sempre escolha! sempre! Mesmo que a escolha nos faça terminar a nossa vida na Terra nessa altura, porque nada pára, é somente uma mudança de "realidade".
Ao nos ter sido dada esta polaridade, enfrentamos o crescimento, a aprendizagem, claridade e expansão. E, á medida que o fazemos, alguns resíduos passados trazem ao momento presente memórias de dualidade. E, á medida que passamos por vidas neste imenso mar de expansão de alma, outros fazem o mesmo. E, quando escolhemos Luz, houve tempos que não foi essa a nossa escolha e o mesmo se passa com os outros. Tudo isto é para ser aceite tanto em relação a nós como em relação aos outros; aceite e apreciado poi tudo fez com que sejamos quem somos hoje, neste momento no "tempo". Sem experienciar todos os aspetos da energia não poderámos crescer e expandir.
É aqui que quero chegar... observamos muitas vezes símbolos, números, imagens que são considerados bons ou maus. Como exemplo, o Pentagrama é tanto apontado como positivo e negativo. Vemos o mesmo acontecer com números. Como sabermos se um símbolo sagrado é positivo ou negativo? Pode proteger-nos ou amaldiçoar-nos? A resposta é - ambos! A que frequència vibras? Aí tens! Os símbolos são como qualquer coisa diária. Como falas com os outros? Como te vès e à vida? Que tipo de pensamentos te permites ter? Quão amoroso és com qualquer coisa? Eu pergunto-te... Com que amor olhas para um Pentagrama? O que pensas quando comtemplas um?
A dualidade existe neste mundo holográfico. Mas o que realmente importa é o que tu decides fazer com isso sendo um criador. Porque tudo o que nos foi dado tem o único objetivo de nos deixar escolher, a todo o momento, o que fazer com a energia (e tudo é energia). Pensas que és um instrumento nas mãos de Deus, mas na realidade Deus observa a tua criação! Foste criado para criar, para usar as energias universais uma e outra vez até que entendas tudo, até que experiencies tanta coisa que finalmente olhas para cima e Elembras-te de quem e o que és na realidade.
A dualidade existe neste mundo holográfico. Mas o que realmente importa é o que tu decides fazer com isso sendo um criador. Porque tudo o que nos foi dado tem o único objetivo de nos deixar escolher, a todo o momento, o que fazer com a energia (e tudo é energia). Pensas que és um instrumento nas mãos de Deus, mas na realidade Deus observa a tua criação! Foste criado para criar, para usar as energias universais uma e outra vez até que entendas tudo, até que experiencies tanta coisa que finalmente olhas para cima e Elembras-te de quem e o que és na realidade.
Autor: Maria José Antunes, Todos os direitos reservados. Se desejares ter sessões de cura, ajuda e orientação espiritual ou tornares-te meu Estudante contacta-me para: ou vai a


Forgiveness has many layers and aspects... as many as the progression of loving yourself. We all know how is to do the forgiveness work and some time later realizing it still has to be dealt with more. AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF MORE, YOU CAN LOVE OTHERS MORE. YOU CAN FORGIVE MORE AND MORE, BOTH YOU AND OTHERS. GRATEFULNESS AND COMPASSION REPLACES SORROW AND PAIN TRANSFORMING YOU ON A HIGHER HEART CENTERED BEING VIBRATING AT THE AWARENESS FREQUENCY.
First of all when we work on forgiving certain event, people... we also have to forgive ourselves because there is always, at least, the feeling of why did it happen to me? how did i allow it? how did i create it? what have i done to deserve it?
Work on these aspects:
Understanding that we are never judged by the creator, therefore we are never judged by our higher self is very important. why should you judge yourself then?
Next matters to understand that all events are to be seen as instruments of evolution so... we have to find gratefulness inside our heart.
Instead of judging yourself, analyze it and grow with the experience. You can become better? so do it... become better by looking at the self you do not agree with and move on!!!
Accept that each time you progress more layers needing work will show up. When this happens means you are ready to open your heart more by looking at things. That doesn`t mean you stay there in that hard moment... means only you can go there even if just by a minute and believe me... new awareness crops up changing you again! so do not get depressed over it by thinking your doing things wrong. Thats the opposite!
The goal here:
Observe your feelings as being there for a major reason. Doing that your frequency matches the healing vibration and you can do the work very easily.
What happens:
Each time you are ready to love more yourself, your also ready to progress. Very simple and effective!
Why can`t things go fast?
When the work of forgiveness do not get done at the first time, means your higher self knows the best way for you and the less painful tool is to do it by phases through which you use your growth of consciousness at that moment in order to heal a certain moment. Trust your guiding system and be proud of all the expansion you have been experiencing.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Join us on August 21st!

On August 21st join us on our next MEDITATION to celebrate and receive the energies of the SOLAR ECLIPSE. Growth, transformation, bringing forth a new self as we enjoy these amazing celestial moments! much love to all

Guided Meditation

Here is the guided meditation for the 8.8 portal of Lion`s Gate. You can do it anytime you want, so here it is. Enjoy the sublime energies and heal yourself and the planet.

Thursday, 10 August 2017



Sacred Geometry ~ Symbol polarity

Polarity is limited and relates with fear - Unity is unlimited, infinite and free

This universe was created as an organic duality realm. There was, there is, still a reason why it was created that way. This is a playground for souls. This is all part of the game really! If we step out of all this illusion of suffering, the truth becomes clear. We are here evolving and we do it by experiencing the polarity, meaning, living both the negative and the positive of organic life energy.
To practice this game we were giving certain instruments through which we travel merging with the polarity and learning as we go. The first gift is the free will aspect, which is related to the dual quality of this universe; This aspect was what allowed the polarity to come forth as it is an integrate part of the free will energy of this universe.
The second instrument is the ether which permeates all. Ether is present, always! This is the law! At any given moment all souls have choice We have the power of choice because we have free will therefore we can chose light because there is the ether as a silent companion on this troubled journey. The Ether is given to us so we can connect to our higher self and our soul companions. There is always a choice! Always! Even if a choice makes us end a lifetime at a specific moment, nothing ends, it is just a change of "reality".
As we were given this polarity world, we go through growth, learning, awareness, expansion. And as we do it, some residues of the past remain bringing forth memories of polarities. And as we go through life times of this immense progression of soul, others do the same. And as we chose light, times were that we didn`t or others didn`t and all that is to be accepted, and appreciated for all that makes us the beings we are today, at this moment in "time". Without experiencing every aspect of energy we could not grow or expand.
This is where im getting with all this... We see often symbols, numbers, pictures being considered good or bad. As an example, the pentagram as both a positive and a negative aspect. We see the same happening with numbers. So... how can we truly know if a certain Sacred symbol is positive or negative? Can it protect us or curse us? The answer is: both! What frequency do you vibrate at? There you have... Symbols are just as daily stuff. How do you talk with others? How do you see yourself and life? What kind of thoughts you allow yourself to have? How loving are you towards everything? So i ask you... How lovingly do you look at a Pentagram? What do you think when you contemplate one?
Polarity exists in this holographic world. But what matters is what you decide to do with it as a creator. Because all that was given to us has the solely goal of letting us chose at every second what to do with energy. You think you are a tool in God`s hands, but in fact God is watching your creation! You were created to create, to use this universe energies over and over again until you get it all, until you experience so much crap you can finally look up and remember who and what you really are.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Carta da semana: A Mente

07.08 Carta da semana

Valete de Nuvens: A Mente

“Isto é o que acontece quando nos esquecemos de que a mente foi feita para servir, e começamos a permitir que ela dirija a nossa vida. A cabeça está cheia de mecanismos, a boca não pára de censurar, e toda a atmosfera em volta fica poluída por essa fábrica de argumentos e de opiniões. “Mas, espere aí!”, você talvez diga. “A mente é o que nos torna humanos, é a fonte de todo progresso, de todas as grandes verdades!” Se você acredita nisso, faça uma experiência: entre no seu quarto, feche a porta, ligue um gravador, e passe a falar sem restrições o que quer que lhe venha “à mente”. Se de fato você deixar que saia tudo, sem nenhuma censura ou retificação, ficará espantado de ver a quantidade de tolices que você dirá. O Valete das Nuvens está lhe dizendo que alguém, em algum lugar, está preso em uma “viagem da cabeça”. Dê uma olhada, e assegure-se de que não é você.”
“Esta é a situação da sua cabeça: vejo ali guidões de bicicleta, pedais e coisas estranhas que você foi juntando de toda parte. Uma cabeça tão pequena… e sem espaço para se viver nela! E esse material inútil fica revolvendo-se em sua cabeça; sua cabeça fica girando e tramando, e isso mantém você ocupado. Imagine só que tipos de pensamentos vão passando pela sua mente…Qualquer dia, simplesmente sente-se, feche os olhos, e coloque no papel, durante meia hora, o que quer que passe pela sua mente. Você compreenderá o que estou querendo dizer, e ficará surpreso com o que transita no interior da sua mente. Isso tudo vai ficando nos bastidores, fica ali o tempo todo, e acaba envolvendo-o, como uma nuvem. Devido a essa nuvem, você não consegue distinguir a realidade, não consegue chegar à percepção espiritual. É preciso desfazer-se dela. E apenas com a sua decisão de descartá-la é que ela irá desaparecer. Você está apegado a ela,  a nuvem mesma não tem o menor interesse em você, lembre-se disso.”
Crédito: Tarot Osho Zen

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Card of the week: Mind

08.07 Weekly Card

Page of Clouds: Mind

This is what happens when we forget that the mind is meant to be a servant, and start to allow it to run our lives. The head is filled with mechanisms, the mouth is ranting and raving, and the whole surrounding atmosphere is being polluted by this factory of arguments and opinions. "But wait," you say. "The mind is what makes us human, it's the source of all progress, all great truths." If you believe that, try an experiment: go into your room, shut the door,  turn on a tape recorder, and give yourself total permission to say whatever is "on your mind." If you really allow it to all come out, without any censorship or editing, you'll be amazed at the amount of rubbish that comes spewing forth. The Page of Clouds is telling you that somebody, somewhere, is stuck in a "head trip." Take a look and make sure it isn't you.
Osho's Teachings
This is the situation of your head: I see cycle-handles and pedals and strange things that you have gathered from everywhere. Such a small head...and no space to live in! And that rubbish goes on moving in your head; your head goes on spinning and weaving - it keeps you occupied. Just think what kind of thoughts go on inside your mind. One day just sit, close your doors, and write down for half an hour whatsoever is passing in your mind, and you will understand what I mean and you will be surprised what goes on inside your mind. It remains in the background, it is constantly there, it surrounds you like a cloud. With this cloud you cannot know reality; you cannot attain to spiritual perception. This cloud has to be dropped. And it is just with your decision to drop it that it will disappear. You are clinging to it - the cloud is not interested in you, remember it.
Osho The Sun Rises in the Evening Chapter 9
Credit: Tarot Osho Zen

Thursday, 3 August 2017

August energies

Next Monday we have the Full Moon on Aquarius right before the 8.8 portal which bring us the usual Lion`s Gate energies and later on the 21st the New Moon blasting with a total Solar Eclipse!
How to fully appreciate this month energies? This full Moon in Aquarius will give us the balance we need, that is the main aspect; On a Full Moon the energies are intensified due to an opposition happening between the Sun and the Moon; in fact we can say that we are being influenced by both the signs of the Moon and Sun at 50% each. Both our action and intuition are being exalted and sometimes it gets difficult to deal with both polarities. As everything in life, balance is the key and that balance comes from awareness. On those moments, the way we feel and react can be analyzed deeply; how much do we love ourselves, how much do we respect others? how aware are we of existence? how do we use earth and etheric energies? how good do we take care of ourselves?
Another aspect is about the previous six months of intentions during the New Moon. How well did we intended, how much did we believe on ourselves and on the universe? how centered are we on our goals? how are we being able to adjust circumstances and our energies to our future manifestation? are we really able to understand that circumstances are here to show us what we have already manifested?
At this Full Moon energies will truly be high! the main thing is to be always grounded on earth, centered on yourself by being aware of who and what you are (your highest version, of course! ), connect with your true self through intention raising your frequency to reach your higher self ( you do it by decision - decide you want to feel good and only connect with good energies, listening to music, taking care of yourself, loving, making plans, choosing to connect with love by loving others,etc. ). You will notice things happening easily and effortlessly.
At the Lion`s Gate strong energies will be at your disposal to connect strongly both with earth and the heavens. It is the light of consciousness, the love of all that is! It is the energy which symbolizes the abundance of the summer. The earth momentum of ecstasy of nature is ready to receive the equivalent frequency from source. Its a strong energy which shows it self with calm (enjoying life, eating the fruits of a hard year work) and also joy, happiness, fun (playing with the planet playground given to us by mother earth so she and us can commune and connect vibrationally). The best way to enjoy these energies is to connect with nature, even meditating in nature or just enjoying it by contemplation and to gather with your tribe, the ones you love and love you back, the ones you can feel free with.
The Solar Eclipse is here on the 21st to show you no fear! how do you feel when your vibrational field is without action, light, order, control and safeness? This is another strong moment to trust yourself, connect with your highest version and feel the connection with your heart telling you there is nothing to be afraid of, all is perfect, all shadows are beautiful as they show you the way to the light - which is the way to find your self. Find that trust, confidence in you for you are the whole existence, the true love and the most bright star in the universe.