Here we are, ending September! This great month, which brought us,finally, the renewal of the self! Today the Moon connects with Libra. This New Moon in Libra shows us our new self towards all our connections with others!
Listen, things do not happen fast, it is all a process and sometimes things take years to change! Why? because, although we know the truth of our inner self, we do not wish to look at it; we delay and delay, but... bit by bit... we get strong and we gather more information, we look and observe... and the universe always, always helps us to listen closer, observe even better, think brighter and act more lovingly! yesss!!! the universe is our friend and if it pushes and pulls us, is just because it knows very well the truth that lies inside, that truth that is hidden waiting for the right moment to be courageous to show itself no matter what!
So... the energies come and bring us those energies that seam chaotic but harmonized with the divine work, and one day, on fine day we accept it and do not fight it anymore! then, change comes for we have the door open widely for life!
Libra on this New Moon is all about connections, all relationships we have! If all the energies lately, have given you the openness for this marvelous ascension is calling from you, you expand immensely and this is linked to equilibrium, fairness and wisdom! You start dealing with everything that surrounds you totally different! you will amaze and surprise yourself.
From now on, you can find more calm and balance regarding the ones you love, your heart expanded in such a way that you will be promoting peace! with that clarity towards others you will open more and more, you will gain more perceptions about love and life and you share that. It is a new cycle you are beginning and that is what is expected from us.
This New Moon in Libra wants you to set your new intentions considering the new you. do that! What is you want to plant? what are your wishes for yourself and the world? With the new acknowledge of your self, what are the resolutions, the plans, the new standards, the fresh ideas? Know that your power is bigger, your heart wiser, your mind smarter and your body improved!
At this last month of September and, after several months of blasting light, we are renewed, more truthful to the self; and all this because we know ourselves better, we have given us the chance of knowing who and what we really are! Lets be that... proudly!
At the physical and also spiritual level, this New Moon is working our heart! this is amazing as our heart chakra is being through an huge expansion and you can even feel very sick! But... bless that sickness, that heart pain and know that this is part of a greater mission that goes beyond everything we have experienced until now! I suggest you ground, connect with nature and most of all align within yourself! never lose your balance, your centerdness. You can never lose yourself at this time! keep that shining light brighter than ever inside your heart. Do not give energy to lower vibrations, find ways to connect with joy and create, always create. Let your ideas flow, fly and grow..
I am ready for this, i bet you are too! Lets rock the world!
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