Thursday, 27 April 2017

New Moon in Taurus ~ Happy energies!

Confidence, honesty and joyful blessings on this New Moon

At each New Moon a new beginning enters our Lunar cycle. Physically the Moon is in the middle of the Sun and the Earth; The 3 are positioned as a line drawing. This line represents the road in front of you, which you do not see it yet, that is why you cannot see the Moon at the phase; The moon is receiving the light from the Sun at it`s hidden half from our Earth´S point of view.
That is why your wishes, positiveness and trust make a big impact on what is to come. depending on the influence of the Sign, whatever aspects are enlightened, you can surely make a great walk ahead if your will and projects have the fuel of your confidence.
Today we celebrate Taurus New Moon. This is a very good phase considering the latest celestial events which brought us a bit of hard moments. In this "New Beginnings" Moon Taurus will make sure you walk strongly towards your goals but as a Taurus energy, it will influence you to do it calmly. That is the way Taurus walks. So, just relax and go confident; even that you think you have no idea where you are heading, you will know at the right moment what to do. This event will fill you with confidence and a feeling of being safe.
If you feel anxiety for the next days, trust that Taurus energy is working within to find out what is your next best new move. although it makes you walk slowly, Taurus is an energy that only fulfills itself when its building some new idea and working on plans.
You will do it with calm because Taurus do not want you to risk yourself! you will play the right moves and be sure of being safe.
So... what is you want to do next? what improvements can you bring to your life? refreshing old things with new ideas? making new projects? This is what a New Moon is all about... 
Ask the presence of your guides, ground yourself, center and connect.  meditate and ponder on everything and let energies to work positively. Then  write on a paper what you decided to work for the next Moon. Be sure your intentions are pure and filtered from the heart.  from tomorrow on, work on your desires so they become real; know you are a miracle worker and you control everything always.

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