Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Christ consciousness

Christ consciousness is referred in many cultures and religions. It is always classified as “the perfect being”, “The Christed one”, “God realization”. He is total enlightenment, perfection.
But what means Christ consciousness exactly, for us that here looking for enlightenment: it means the essence of the child of God, the light itself. Christ consciousness is here, in us, because that is what we are. That is what He wants from us: to be as Him, to be that particle of God.
We awake, then we shift and shift, and one day we really arise! But… we do it by being here, we find God source, we go home by finding the God within us. That is how Christ consciousness is worked within us. The example of Christ is so we see Him (God) in ourselves.
Our lives are a transformative process of Christ consciousness through which we become fully aware that we are in fact the divine. Jesus was committed in helping us awakening to our godly self. The return to our holiness. We are all children of the same God = we are all part of the same spiritual source = the ONE, the I AM. When we speak about oneness, what we are talking about is not a new age thing, it is what we really are, we are the whole and the whole is in us.
The divine matter is all that is, is all beings. In our search for the divine, we look for the Christ outside of ourselves, when in all His teachings he opens doors to show us that Christ is in our hearts. He really wanted us to be greater than Him. A prophet and master that taught us that we are the ones who really can save ourselves. That heaven is here for us to perceive, not any other place. Everything is here and now1 and we are the ones who can do it, no one else!
A master means the one who guides students to become more knowledgeable than the master. We were shown that there was light within us, that we should seek for our real self and become who we really are. The enlightened ones!
He wanted us to see ourselves as his brothers and sisters, to make us understand that we are all the same divine substance.
To be Christ consciousness does not mean lose our individuality, it means we, each of us, are to find our Christ particle and take it to be part of the collective divine consciousness.
It is known that the fifth dimension vibrates in the mental realm of the spiritual world. And Christ consciousness is known to be the highest mental and emotional maturity. As you see, as we shift we need to use more and more our abilities. DO NOT EVER STOP! Seek for knowledge and always have your own opinion about everything, change opinion when you have shift into more awareness, all that is pure consciousness!
Living in a world that already vibrates at 5D, and millions of beings vibrating at that same frequency, allow us to awaken more and more parts of ourselves that were dormant. Those parts are being awakening by light we receive from outside and is always used for our highest good.
If you receive light and each time you receive it, you are using your own Christ divinity. When you face yourself and each time you clear issues you do it using your sacred awareness. The parts of you that have been awaken and are fresh and you recognize them as new ideas, new desires, new plans, new things you want to try, new feelings… all that is your Christ consciousness being alive.
How do we connect with our inner Christ and how do we be part of the collective Christ consciousness… by being free, exploring your creativity, being part of all that is… let your inner world reflect itself to the outside, let your heart be and speak, step out of your mind, trust yourself abundantly, always keep yourself centered and balanced do not ever forget the intentions you have for your life, be open for change when the new comes, always seek more knowledge, love yourself deeply and purely and you can love everything and all beings the same way, surrender to light, do not judge, do not fear, be compassionate, accept others and be kind.


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