Friday, 4 November 2016

November divine astrology - a higher understanding

Astrologically, November asks from us to do the work within, always considering our higher version, merging the true and divine self with the world by being able to act as a super aware being!
All the gates are working towards us in a very specific way. We are supposed to be honest with ourselves and bring our new conscious self to a higher platform, through which we can connect collectively and make the necessary changes globally.
Scorpio, during November shakes our inner shadows, which means that the parts of ourselves that we still cant look at must be integrated, changed if that is what we want, love, forgiven and healed so we step into our highest version to be able to  stand tall, create our universe,which ultimately is what gives us the conditions to restore the world outside of ourselves.
Our unconscious parts wanting to see the light and be integrated on our newest version. Its about synthesize our growth to this moment we are all living. Doing this we can expand and manifest ourselves. If we keep denying, doubting, putting down ourselves we cannot assist and serve the world.
From the nine to the nineteen Mars will be working with Aquarius, which means we are asked to work collectively to assist on all the changes operating on the planet. So, focus on the mission we now have on our hands, is vital at this time. No separation, only unity can make things work!
On the nineteen Neptune goes direct and this is the positive Neptune working with us by giving us the strength and telling us to trust our highest intuition.
We will also have Venus connecting with Capricorn on the eleven and helping us with the frequency of peace. Having the calm, the rest, the stillness to understand everything happening around us. This energy gives us balance to do our work, to trust and enhance with others. The mission of light isnt done individually, is done by giving hands and sharing ideas. That is how we can co-create together.
On the fourteen the Full Moon in Taurus is exactly what we need to attract the abundant energies, the perfect grounding of our heart desires and the connection with earth we need to keep walking our path. This energy gives the emotional anchor with no doubts and only focus.
The Sun enters on Sagittarius on the twenty-two. These energies of freedom and will to explore without fear, are to come in the right moment, giving us the strength to walk further. Sagittarius has a wonderful joyful energy and loves to commit to the highest plans. Its unstoppable and always finds the right way to manifest all dreams.
The New Moon is to be use by all of us in the most efficient way, we can love ourselves and others with the clarity of all the work we have done so far. We feel others and we want to nurture them. How can we make the difference together? what more can we all do? how further can we go if we really connect in unity and love? These are the seeds we will be planting on this New Moon. This is the new self being aware and conscious that nothing is separated and all links in divine universe of positive possibilities!


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